Life Quotes

Three Wise Monkeys

Country: Ghana
Year of Issue: 2022
Face Value: 5 Cedis
Metal: Silver. 999
Weight: 31.1 g
Dimensions 32 mm
Quality: Antique finish
Mintage: 999 pcs
Features: High relief
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"Three Wise Monkeys" coin beautifully describes one of the Japanese proverbs that continue to talk about the fundamental principles of wise living. Three monkeys: Mizar sees no evil, Kikazara hears no evil, and Iwazar speaks no evil. It has been suggested that the original source is Confucius' Analects, which dates back 2-4 centuries BC, and the names of the monkeys were derived from the original play on words in Japanese. This gift coin will be a wonderful guide to life's ever-relevant Japanese wisdom for you.

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