Country: Republic of Cameroon
Year of Issue: 2024
Face Value: 2000 francs CFA
Metal: Silver. 999
Weight: 2 oz
Dimensions 50 mm
Quality: Antique finish
Mintage: 500 pcs
Features: High relief, selective gilding
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The 'Jason and Medea' 2 oz coin encapsulates themes of love, betrayal, and revenge, woven into the ancient tale of tragic lovers. As a trophy on the shoulder, the gilded Golden Fleece stands out as a symbol of ultimate achievement and the central object of Jason's quest. Medea, a powerful sorceress, initially aids Jason out of love, using her magic to help him secure the Fleece and escape. Their story evolves darkly following Jason's betrayal.

The coin’s high-relief imagery evokes a moment of promise and partnership, before the later turmoil that would unravel their fates.