5 oz 65 mm

1 kg 100 mm

These epic coins are inspired by the world’s treasure created by Dante Alighieri – “The Divine Comedy”. The first coin “Inferno” was issued in honour of its anniversary. In 2020, we marked 700 years from the time when Dante wrote his epic work “The Divine Comedy”. An interesting fact – he completed it a year before his death in 1321. And this circumstance was also considered by the artists of Mint XXI. The next two coins – “Inferno 1 Kilo” and “Paradiso” – were issued in 2021 to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. Beautifully detailed, on the coins, there is an incredibly dynamic depiction of Hell and Paradise. These coins are created in a high-relief manner, paying attention to petty details to get a successful and complete artistic product. The conception lies in depicting a portrait of Dante on the obverse of both coins and hell and paradise on the reverse of each accordingly.